Any Given Child-Tulsa is a program in partnership with the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. The goal of the national Any Given Child initiative is to help communities develop sustainable, long-range plans to deliver equity and access in arts education. Partnering with the Kennedy Center are the Foundation for Tulsa Schools, Tulsa Public Schools, the Foundation for Tulsa Schools, and thireteen local arts organizations. Because Any Given Child is a community-based, collective-impact initiative, it does not belong to any single organization. Rather, it is collaboratively overseen by a Lead Partner Organization (currently the Foundation) and a group of stakeholders who are directly involved with Any Given Child-Tulsa across the community. Any Given Child-Tulsa began in May 2011, when Tulsa was chosen as the 5th city in the nation to become part of the program.
Through the Any Given Child program, EVERY Tulsa Public Schools student in grade K-8 has a high-quality experience with the arts programs and resources in the Tulsa community.
Any Given Child is a national program of The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
We believe that all Tulsa Public Schools students must have equal access to sustained, high-quality learning in the visual and performing arts. Every K-8 student should engage in the live arts experiences through partnerships across the community and with arts specialists and classroom teachers who integrate the arts into ongoing classroom learning and connect students to the world around them. We value opportunities for all Tulsa children to create, communicate, and think in concrete and abstract ways. For Tulsa children, families, and the community, the arts are essential.
Tulsa is one of a handful of cities across the nation participating in the Kennedy Center’s Any Given Child program. Through partnership with local performance groups, museums, and galleries, we ensure that Tulsa students have at least ten live arts experiences by the time they reach high school.
Layer 1: Live Arts Experiences
Partner Organization provide live arts experiences for all students in a single grade level, regardless of which school they attend.
Layer 2: Arts Integration
Teachers work collaboratively with the arts partner organizations to create lesson plans and field trip guides that bring the arts into classroom learning. Additionally, teachers are provided with professional development opportunities that give them the skills necessary to use the arts as a vehicle for learning in the core content areas.
Layer 3: Arts for Art’s Sake
Any Given Child-Tulsa advocates for additional arts instruction by certified specialists with learning goals centered around the fine arts discipline exclusively.
To prepare students and teachers for their live arts experience, our arts partners provide Field Trip Guides that describe their organization, the experience they provide, and how to continue fine arts learning within the classroom.
Any Given Child-Tulsa exists as a collaborative effort to ensure that EVERY child enrolled in Tulsa Public Schools grades K-8 receives arts education as part of the classroom experience. We are grateful to the following partners for their efforts in providing experiential opportunities for our students.
President and CEO (918) 746-6604
Director of Operations & Programs
(918) 746-6605
Manager of Development & Community Partnerships
(918) 746-6602
Fine Arts Coordinator
The Foundation works closely with Tulsa Public Schools to provide district-wide strategic funding support to advance the goals and vision of district’s five-year strategic plan “Pathways to Opportunity.”
3027 South New Haven Avenue
Tulsa, OK 74114
(918) 746-6600