Contact Name: Jean Neal
Contact Email:
Address: 321 North Detroit

Appropriate Grades:
Pre K – K
1 – 3
4 – 6
7 – 8
9 – 12

Educational Experience:

The John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation invites teachers and students from all schools to visit John Hope Franklin Reconciliation Park. The Park offers multiple ways for students to learn about Oklahoma history, the 1921 Race Riot and the Historic Greenwood/Black Wall Street district. In addition to docent-led tours of the Park, the John Hope Franklin Center can assist with materials and resources to support pre-visit classroom preparation as well as post-visit reflection.

With history storyboards, beautiful gardens and fountains, sculptures, and a labyrinth, the Park is an outstanding outdoor classroom appropriate and accessible for all grade levels. The John Hope Franklin Center for Reconciliation will be happy to work with teachers (especially grades 5 – 12) to identify knowledgeable classroom speakers on topics related to Oklahoma history, the 1921 Tulsa Race Riot, and the historic Black Wall Street/Greenwood District.